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Most common concerns about our site can be handled fairly simply. We recommend checking to see if your solution is below:

I want to book a Cruise

Why should I book with Cruises for Less?

Can I use my Future Cruise Credit (FCC)? Is there a Booking Fee? And other Frequently Asked Questions...

I'm new to cruising, is there a resource to help me get started?

Is there a good, better or best time to cruise?

I know I want to cruise, but where should I start with planning?

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Focus your attention to the blue button at the bottom of your screen. In this window, you can speak with our Virtual Travel Agent during business hours or leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Customer service is available Monday–Friday between 9am–6pm through online chat or by calling us at 888-212-7395.

What cruise line is right for me?

When it comes to choosing a cruise line for your vacation, it’s not one-size-fits-all. Each cruise line has their own personality, vibe, and their own exclusive offerings.

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